Corporate Governance

The Board is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance.

Our Directors recognise the value and importance of meeting the principles of good corporate governance as set out in the Code.

Nomination Committee 

Bill Shannon (Committee Chairman)
Gaby Appleton
Darrell Evans
Sonya Ghobrial

James Mack

Nominations Committee - Terms of Reference

LSL Diversity Policy

Remuneration Committee 

Darrell Evans (Committee Chairman)
Gaby Appleton
Sonya Ghobrial

James Mack
Bill Shannon

Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference

Audit & Risk Committee

James Mack (Committee Chairman)
Gaby Appleton 
Darrell Evans
Sonya Ghobrial

Audit & Risk Committee - Terms of Reference
Auditor Independence Policy

Tax Strategy

Everything you need to know about the LSL Property Services share price.

About shareholders

Role Profiles

Everything you need to know about the LSL Property Services share price.

About shareholders